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Joining the workforce

Employment: Finding a job that works

The right job can offer you more than income—it can also give you a sense of purpose. It goes without saying that people with bleeding disorders need jobs that will not cause frequent bruising or bleeding and will also provide good health insurance.

The right to remain silent

You have the right to say nothing about your hemophilia as long as it does not keep you from performing your job. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with medical impairments are protected from discrimination. Simply put: your employer should hire you based on your background and abilities and not discriminate against you because of your hemophilia.

Workplace conversations

One reason to reveal your bleeding disorder is that it gives you a chance to educate your employer from the start. You can feel more in control of your situation and have the ability to ease their worries. Since finding the right job is a journey, you may want to go the extra mile and have someone from your local HTC contact your employer with reassuring, written information.